If a move to a new apartment is in your future, it’s time to create a

What’s a moving plan?
A moving plan is a handy guide that’ll let you organize your timeline and to-do list in one convenient place so that nothing falls through the cracks while you undergo the busy process of getting into a new apartment. It’s basically a customized plan of attack that’ll make moving easier.
Set your goals
The first step is to create a list of every task you’ve got to accomplish before you move. This moving list should include items related to any of the following:
• Finding a new apartment
• Packing
• Hiring a moving company or reserving a rental truck
• Preparing your current apartment for move-out
• Setting up your new अपार्टमेन्ट
Don’t worry about writing things down in order, just concentrate on thinking about everything you have to do. Get it all down on paper on the moving list so you can assign deadlines to every task with a moving timeline.
Set a timeline
The next step in creating a moving plan is to set a moving timeline. Get out a calendar and decide how much time you have to accomplish all of your tasks. Look back at your moving list and assign deadlines for all of your tasks. Mark these dates.
If you’re feeling particularly plucky, you could use colored markers, stickers, or printer ink to designate between different types of tasks. For example, all tasks related to finding a new apartment can be marked in red, tasks to take care of once you’re in your new apartment could be yellow, etc. You might find the color code system helpful, but color-coding your calendar isn’t as important as actually getting down all of your important dates onto the moving timeline.
This calendar is an important organizational tool for your move. Display it in a place where you’ll see it every day, and you’ll be sure to accomplish all of your tasks by their deadlines.
Print out a चेच्क्लिस्ट
Once you’ve got deadlines assigned to all of your tasks, you may also want to create a moving checklist. You can refer to this checklist throughout the moving process and physically mark off tasks as you accomplish them. You can create your own checklist from scratch or you can use Apartment Guide’s Moving Checklist.
Make a room लिस्ट
Next, start listing all of the rooms you’ll have in your new apartment. Taking this step will help you think about where to place furniture and belongings in your new place, especially if you’ll be upsizing or downsizing. When you start to pack, you’ll be able to refer to this room list and label moving boxes according to where they should end up in your new place. The room list is the part of your moving plan that’ll help make unloading your belongings fast and efficient at your new apartment.
Create a moving file
Your moving checklist, timeline, and room list all combine to form a comprehensive moving plan। One way to make the moving plan work for you is to create a moving file or binder, one centralized place where you keep your calendar, checklist, and room list so you can find them
when you need them
With your moving plan easily accessible, you should feel more comfortable about having a plan of attack for moving. Instead of worrying about what needs to be done and when, you can get down to business and make your move go as smoothly as possible.